Personal Injury Attorneys
If you have suffered from an injury as a result of negligence, medical malpractice, a defective drug, a defective product, or toxins, please contact our personal injury lawyers.

The Law Offices of Francis X. Young: A Trusted Personal Injury Attorney
Until you suffer a personal injury, for any cause you have no idea how devastating such an occurrence can be. You never plan for it and it always happens instantaneously. Immediately, you are consumed with pains, and your life is turned upside down. Questions arise: Who will pay for my medical care? What if I am out of work? Who should I talk to? Who should I avoid? Will my life return to normal? A fall, a motor vehicle accident, a surgery that fails, an accident at a construction site; any accident that results in the death of a loved one–they are all devastating. When any of a countless number of injuries are caused by the negligence of another, you deserve to be compensated for your losses – for the physical pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and economic harm they cause you. Even in a seemingly small medical procedure like a tonsillectomy, our injury lawyers in New York City, White Plains and Hudson Valley have seen victims whose lives are never quite the same again, physically or emotionally. You do not have to accept the inevitable. The law in New York gives you the right to hold responsible those who have been negligent or reckless and you can and should assert these rights.
Personal Injury Attorneys pursuing justice for victims in New York
Your health and well-being is of primary importance; job one is your recovery. Unfortunately, for injury victims who seek damages from the person(s) or company(ies) who caused their injuries, a storm can appear on the horizon–insurance companies. You see, almost all defendants in a personal injury suit are defended by an insurance carrier – and insurers will do all they legally can to deny your claim for injuries either by minimizing court-ordered payments or by outright dismissal. You can’t blame them–it’s their job and an insurance carrier is very good at his job. That’s why,
when choosing an attorney to represent you when you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you need to choose someone who’s looked at life from both sides in this area of litigation – the liability insurance industry side, and the plaintiff’s (injured victims’) side – and Francis X. Young has looked at life from both sides.
With decades of experience in this area of litigation, our attorneys know the legal tactics and strategies that insurance companies use to defeat legitimate injury claims, because attorney Young has experience representing defendants at the request of insurance companies, he knows the insurance company playbook. There isn’t a more talented attorney you can have on your side when litigating a personal injury claim than one who used to work for liability insurance companies.
Our accident lawyers handle a wide range of personal injury cases
We offer a free case evaluation. Our firm is specifically structured to handle your case from beginning to end, with the goal of your best financial result. When you’re faced with the stress of an injury, we understand that this may be a life-changing event. At The Law Offices of Francis X. Young, we understand that your case is particular to you; you will never be treated as “just one of many”. Our firm provides what large firms are unable to do: Give you the one-on-one dedication your case deserves. You’ll speak to Mr. Young. You will not be passed to someone new to litigation–you’ll speak to an attorney with decades of experience in personal injury. Experience with personal attention–something to think about when making this important decision.
You see the advertisements on television. Mega-law firms who can handle any type of case (or so they say). Chances are you’ll never see the attorney who owns the firm. Here’s a case where bigger isn’t necessarily better. Ponder this–your anxious, you may be hurt or you might have just suffered the death of a loved one. Do you really want to be represented by a firm that needs to squeeze you in between bigger or many cases? When you choose The Law Offices of Francis X. Young, that will never let that happen. We partner with you , we are committed to you, we fight for you to be sure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Free consultation with a New York Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been a victim of any type of personal injury, it is important that you contact us and meet with us as soon as possible after the accident. Most injury victims in New York have the right to be compensated for a variety of expenses and bills, including medical expenses, hospital care, prescription medicines, lost wages, loss of future earnings, lost services and care from a spouse, temporary injury, permanent injury, and pain and suffering. Unfortunately many injury victims, in the first days following an accident, make uninformed choices that may compromise their ability to be compensated for the full extent of their injuries. Don’t be one of these people. Be smart. Be Informed
If you are looking for an experienced and respected New York personal injury lawyer with the skills to hold negligent parties accountable for your serious injuries or the loss of a loved one, you can rely on The Law Offices of Francis X. Young. Decades of experience, meticulous preparation and the dedication to win your case.
If you have suffered from an injury as a result of negligence, medical malpractice, a defective drug, a defective product, or toxins, please contact our personal injury lawyers. To find out more, please contact us to arrange a free and confidential consultation. Home and hospital consultations are available.